It was early in the day, the bulls were well rested as they had a long morning of turning the muds ahead of them. Quite often the two of us would wonder if they were being worked too hard, but what they did was crucial for the growth of our families. We were here every morning to see that there was food for our children and ourselves. The sun was now peaking above the mountains and the wet field took on a golden colour from the reflection on the water. The bulls were pulling the sharp plough through the dry soil and the rich damp earth began to take the place of the light brown hard mud. Worms and other underground creatures were squirming in the morning sun and quickly looking to burrow themselves back into darkness. The wheel slowly turned and was bringing the golden water into the freshly dug field. This was the right time for me to pick out the worms. With a beak full each, My brother and I would launch out of the fields, fly past the vast coconut groves and on to our tree where we had young hungry mouths waiting for breakfast.
Sounds inspired from the ploughing fields of Kerala